Questions / Answers

What is the resonant breakdown? What is the difference between the resonant breakdown and the non-resonant breakdown?

All energo-informational affections or, in other words, breakdowns of the field structure of a human can be classified as resonant or non-resonant. What is the difference between them?

Resonant breakdown mainly occurs due to the fault of the human him/herself. Therefore, in order to understand the process of the affection it is necessary to have an understanding of the process of resonance. Resonance (from Lat. resono – respond) – is the phenomenon of a sharp increase in the amplitude of the forced oscillations. The feed of energy impact (as well as mechanical impact) always goes ​​from the outside. The increase in the amplitude – it is merely a consequence of the resonance, however the cause – is a coincidence of the external (excitatory) frequency with the internal (a person’s own) frequency of the oscillating system.

A human is an aggregation of oscillating systems – this is the organs and systems of the body, which work/functioning on specific frequencies. That is the whole energy system of a human allocates the waves of specific oscillation amplitude. The vibrations of a person can be both: high frequency (positive) and low frequency (negative). It is now clear to any educated person. Based on these concepts it can be concluded that the affection, which is characterized as a resonant breakdown, can be classified as the phenomenon that occurred as a result of matching vibrations of the amplitudes of oscillations. If we get away from the scientific explanation of the affection process, then it can be explained in the following way.

A human, whose thoughts, feelings and actions are working with a minus sign, as a result, allocates the negative (minus) energy. Gradually, the automatism of such functioning is built up, thus a person accumulates in their structures negative energy and decreases their energy potential.  The amplitude of the frequency oscillatory organs and systems is also become understated, automatically. In the area where it is more brightly expressed, it appears to be a good possibility for another oscillation system (resonant system) to more easily penetrate in and adjust to the energy system of a person. Therefore, a human becomes infected with field parasites (negative matrices), which are functioning in a person’s energy system, along with the parasites of the physical body. Only ‘food’ for them is not physical, but energetical. As a result of such resonant affection no one to blame, except the person him/herself. Therefore, when during the energy diagnostics a client asks the question: ‘Who could possibly do that to me?’ the answer, after above explanation, I think, is obvious.

If the reaction to the energy impact (pulse impact) has the negative form, then the breakdown will not take place. That is, if a human`s frequency is quite high, then they will not resonate to the negative low impulse that was send/directed toward them. That explains why some people are able to resist the effect of the ‘evil eye’, while others become affected by it.

Another example of the affection by the resonant breakdown – is the negative environment where people live and/or work. If an individual, who has high frequency energy, has been placed in such environment for a short period of time, then they might be able to stay ‘clean’ and not resonate with the negative environment, but only if they not release negative thoughts, emotions or actions. This means that the object, which has been subjected to the negative impact/affection, is not resonant. If, while being in the negative environment, a person begins to behave in the same way (adapt/adjust to the situation), then they get into a resonance with this environment and its frequencies. Consequently, if there is a resonance between objects, therefore a person can experience a strengthening of oscillatory effect from outside, that is in the case of the resonance will lead to the affection/lesion of their energy system.  

Another type of the resonant affection – the process of destruction goes through a slow understatement of vibrations of the human energy system. Subsequently, it leads to not only health problems, but also, to the loss of ability of field bodies of a person to resist/fight the invasion of various alien negative programmes. There is a general rule (the law of level structure of the world): a human’s understated level of energy brings him/her in a niche of degraded existence in both the material and domestic terms. These things are interrelated. Oscillatory processes of your energy system create your living environment, i.e. they are resonant.

The resonant breakdown – is a coincidence of the spatial frequencies of the energy and matter, and this is one of the key methods of their interaction. There is no radio operator, who does not know this phenomenon. The resonance occurs when a person’s own (natural) frequency of the oscillation circuit (oscillation system) coincide with the frequency of the external impact. In the case of supplying electric power on the oscillation circuit, and if this electric power has a frequency coinciding with a frequency of the oscillation circuit, then the amplitude of this power begins to rise and it can be increased by tens, hundreds or even thousands of times. The analogy with an affection at the level of a human`s energy structure is obvious here. That is how the destructions have begun, at first on the energy plane, and then in the physical body.

Thus, when you talk about the problematic organ or system, you should consider it from the side of the classical resonant affection/destruction. That is, an organ or a system is simply derived from the predetermined programme of their oscillatory frequency at which they must operate. Therefore, now, you will understand how the frequencies of the Cosmoenergy method make impact on the organs and systems of the body.

As for the non-resonant breakdowns, we can say that from the analysis of the above material it is very easy to guess that it is caused by the energy potential of a higher frequency. It happens in the case when during a short period of time the weaker energy area/system is exposed to the influence of the stronger one, in terms of its energy capacity. It also can be called – the radial pulse feeding of affection.

The non-resonant breakdowns can negatively affect a human through the following ways:

Targeted destructive programmes, which have been initiated and set up by other people. This includes the following: the magical programmes of various strength, the impact of the psychotronic weapons, hypnosis, NLP, etc. That means that a human, who has the higher frequency characteristics of their energy system and knowledge of the algorithm of application of supplying impulses, can initiate the process of affection with the help of magic practices and/or by the certain device (psychotronic weapons) and/or by their consciousness (hypnosis, NLP), etc.
Through the certain situations according to the individual ‘life programme’, such as damages, accidents, etc.
After getting into the area of natural disasters caused by radiation emissions
After getting into ‘Places of Power’ or abnormal areas of the Earth

For a more in-depth understanding of these issues we can advise our students to study the physics of resonance processes and resonance affection/destruction.

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